Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes Part - 2/2

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Hellow friends, this is poorly the continuation of the blog Develop Paint Application using basic C# codes Part - 1/2. If you have not visited the same yet, please do visit Develop Paint Application using basic C# codes Part - 1/2 first.

Blog Part 1/2 Url:

We’ll continue with the next step from the Part - 1/2.

Step 6.

Now let’s add more controls in the Form in order to toggle between pen and rectangle drawing and too choose if the rectangle shape need to be filled with color or not.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Let’s add mouse click event for the Pen and Rectangle button to highlight the selected button so we can know if we are drawing a line or rectangle in canvas. (Double clicking on the Pen button in the form will create the click event code for the Pen button in the code behind. You can choose the same event for the Rectangle button too by doing -> select button -> right click -> select properties -> click on the event icon (lightning icon) in the properties box -> find the ‘Click’ event in the list -> choose the event method from the drop down in the right hand side)

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

As the code shows we are using a button variable ‘selectedShapeButton’ to know which shape is currently drawing.

Now add code to select the pen button by default.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Now Let’s update the picture box mouse events to toggle between the pen and rectangle drawing.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Update the draw rectangle code by adding code to fill rectangle based on if it the fill checkbox is checked in the form.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Let’s run the application

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Step 7.

Let’s add more shape buttons in the form for Line, Circle and Triangle shapes.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Let’s refactor the draw shape method and move the draw rectangle code into a switch block so that new codes for drawing other shapes can be written clean.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Now Let’s add codes to draw circle, triangle and line as cases in the switch block.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

You can see there is a logic for finding the points while drawing triangle, the following screen may give more idea on how the point are calculated.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Let’s run the application and see if the new shapes really work.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Step 8.

Now let’s add code to draw outline for the shapes when the drawing is on which will be more user-friendly while drawing.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

As the code shows the outlines are not drawn if it drawing lines or the mouse is not down (as there should be no outline after done with drawing shape)

Now Let’s add code to call the draw shape method again after the mouse up to get the shape without an outline

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Let’s see how an outline looks while drawing

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Let’s run the final paint application and have fun

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Enjoy Coding…!!!
