Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes Part - 1/2

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Hello friends, Today let’s see how we can create a paint application step by step using Windows Form and C# DotNet in Visual Studio.

  • Basic c# programming knowledge
  • Basic windows form application development knowledge 
  • Visual studio 2010+  

Step 1.

Start a new Windows Form Project in Visual Studio which will provide you the default form template.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Add a picture box into the form (drag and drop picture box into the form from the toolbox in the left side) and modify the size property as shown in the below screenshot.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Step 2.

Add code to create the paint canvas and show it in the picture box using the bitmap and graphics classes.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

The bitmap class is used to create and handle the image and the graphics class is used to draw things into the image.

Let’s run the application to see if the bitmap and graphics classes really helps to load the canvas.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Step 3.

Let’s see how we can write code to draw a line in the canvas. We give two fixed points in the code to draw the line.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Let’s run the application now.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Now let’s create mouse action events (In visual studio if you click ‘Tab’ button twice after typing ‘+=’ it creates dummy template for the events. For example, as you see in the below screen type ‘pictureBox1.MouseDown’, type ‘+=’ then click on ‘Tab’ button twice which will create the event ‘pictureBox1_MouseDown’)

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Now let’s define the events and modify the code in draw line method.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Here the current mouse point location is stored into the variable ‘lastPoint’ when the mouse down happens and on each mouse move event the draw line method is called and the ‘lastPoint’ is updated with current mouse point location which will draw small lines between each points. The ‘isMouseDown’ bool variable helps us not to draw lines when the we are moving the mouse without pressing it down.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

As the screenshot shows it gives a clean drawing effect even though they are small straight lines drawn in between.

Step 4.

Drag and drop a button and tracker bar from the tool box which can be used for choosing the color and size of the pen for drawing.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Add button click event to show the color picker and update the draw line method to take the color and size values from the color picker and tracker bar for drawing the line.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Let’s run the application to see if the color and size codes works.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Step 5.

Add code to draw rectangle.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Drawing rectangle is different from drawing line. As we have to show the rectangle in the canvas while dragging the mouse, but the real rectangle is drawn only when we leave the mouse button. So, we will have an additional bitmap (‘workingImage’) and graphics to be used when the dragging is on.
We have some logics for calculating the start x and y values in the code as the start point may not be the mouse down point always. The following screen will probably give more idea on the same

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Now let’s update the mouse events to draw rectangle and update the real canvas image (‘paintImage’) with the working image.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Let’s run the application and see if the rectangle drawing really works.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

As the screenshot shows the rectangle drawing with size and color picker works all well.

Visit Part - 2/2 To see how we can add provision to draw more shapes (Circle, Triangle and line), fill color in the shapes and draw outlines while drawing shapes.

Develop Paint Application using basic Windows Form and C# Graphics codes

Enjoy Coding...!!!
